Regular Fit Homme Dove Printed Zip Through Hoodie | boohooMAN USA Product Image
Regular Fit Homme Dove Printed Zip Through Hoodie | boohooMAN USA Product Image

Regular Fit Homme Dove Printed Zip Through Hoodie | boohooMAN USA

Zip up hoodies give you extra depth and versatility. For a hoodie that gives you a bit more shape, go for a zip up. You'll get all the comfort of a regular fleecy sweater, but with the versatility to wear open or closed and create a layered effect. Try it over a tee and shirt combo or under a undershirt or bomber jacket. Zip up hoodies also work with sweatpants and shorts as practical gym wear, or over a shirt to dress down your formal wear. However you choose to wear it, a zip up hoodie is an easy choice for chilling on those chilly days. Style: Printed HoodieFabric: JerseyLength: RegularNeckline: Hooded Zip ThroughSleeve Length: Long Sleeve
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