This bra has a breathable T-back, a gorgeous lace design, and comfortable cotton fabric. With size-adjusting stretch and an adjustable front closure, it's hard not to get excited about slipping into something so comfy., Style Number: 1908 This bra is designed to comfort & pamper you all day, Unlined cups stretch to fit changing or uneven breasts, Wide, comfortable straps are non-adjustable, Breathable back smoothing mesh-lace T-back design, Easy 1 column, 5 row hook and eye front closure, Soft stretch cotton blend with delicate lace detailing AllDD+Bras,AllFullBusted,AllFullBustedAndHasHigherThanDD,ALLPlusSize,AllSmallBusted,DDplus,Full Figure,_ Mostly Cotton,CottonBlend,Mesh,Nylon,Spandex,Stretch Cotton,Stretch Lace,NotMaternity,Soft Cup,Front Closure,Full Cup,Unlinednotsportsbra,Seamed,Unlined,Non-adjustable straps,HasNonStandardBraSizes,Bra
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