Kancan Is Driven By Their Mission To Provide Sustainability And Empowerment Through Jeans. From Super Stretch To Nonstretch, Kancan Offers A Wide Array Of Stretch Options To Meet Your Comfort Needs.. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description {Color: #000;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description Ul,. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description Ul>Li {Margin-Left: 10Px;padding-Left: 10Px;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description. mar-Product-Description-Content Ul Li{List-Style-Type: Disc;margin: 0 0 5Px;padding-Left: 5Px;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description P {Color: #000;padding: 5Px 0;}@media Only Screen And (Max-Width: 1023Px){. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description. mar-Product-Description-Content Ul Li{List-Style-Type: Disc!important;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description. mar-Product-Description-Content. mar-Tab-Content Ul{Padding-Left: 10Px;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description. mar-Product-Description-Content. mar-Tab-Content {Font-Weight: 300;}}Features:super Stretch: Do-It-All Stretch That Fits Your Every Move - Medium Sandblast Wash - Two Toned Waistband Detail - Frayed Hem - All Pockets Are Functional - Button And Zipper Closure
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