JOHN HARDY Love Knot Y Necklace, 1.8mm In Silver Product Image
JOHN HARDY Love Knot Y Necklace, 1.8mm In Silver Product Image
JOHN HARDY Love Knot Y Necklace, 1.8mm In Silver Product Image
JOHN HARDY Love Knot Y Necklace, 1.8mm In Silver Product Image
JOHN HARDY Love Knot Y Necklace, 1.8mm In Silver Product Image
JOHN HARDY Love Knot Y Necklace, 1.8mm In Silver Product Image

JOHN HARDY Love Knot Y Necklace, 1.8mm In Silver

Shop John Hardy Love Knot Y Necklace, 1.8mm In Silver from 800+ stores, starting at $650. A central knot symbolizes the bonds of love in a necklace handcrafted from woven chains. Lobster clasp closure Sterling silver/14k gold Imported
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